NBCU began using Echo360 technology for client events and has continued to use Echo360 solutions to execute exciting, engaging content. By incorporating PointSolutions, everyone at the event gets to take part. Whether the audience chooses to engage through clickers, a laptop, or even their mobile phone, Echo360 technology helps NBC Universal get feedback they can use while promoting partner activation.
As with all other solutions within the Echosystem, one of PointSolutions’ missions is to increase equity in education — and that starts with inspiring communication. PointSolutions provides all event attendees, whether in-person or remote, with a simple, accessible way to participate in programming decisions and provide useful feedback to NBCU.
Echo360 technology provides ample opportunities for partner activation, whether that’s through a live poll during a presentation or a game of trivia. PointSolutions’ live polling offers an easy way for clients to share their thoughts and be present during presentations. And as attendees make their opinions known, speakers can use that info to guide their presentations.
NBCU currently uses Echo360 technology to get client feedback on improving partnership offerings and gaining insight into the programming decisions clients are most interested in. And it works: Event participants say meetings are 87% more engaging, 63% more motivational, and 73% more effective when Echo360 response technology is involved! Giving people a simple way to share their thoughts is key to helping NBCU develop stronger partnerships.
Brierley Hill, UK
Cincinnati, OH
Hamilton, Ontario
Echo360 is driven to enable transformed learning experiences for everyone, anywhere through the high quality of solutions, tools, and standards we set for our work and ourselves.
Ensuring our solutions and tools are effective in all kinds of learning environments.
Unleashing the end-to-end learning potential of video, from creation to administration.
Designing and delivering effective engagement tools that produce results.
Providing empirical evidence of engagement, progress, and opportunity areas through easy-to-use dashboards.
Integrating seamlessly with the most widely used Learning Management Systems in education and business.