Howard University found itself unexpectedly in need of new lecture capture technology when its previous vendor closed, and choosing Echo360 provided administrators and instructors with bold new tools to drive positive educational outcomes. EchoVideo's Universal Capture capabilities allow Howard instructors to easily record and archive lectures, allowing students to go back for a refresher at any time. Furthermore, EchoPoll’s built-in analytical tools help admins pinpoint students who may be losing focus for early intervention.
Howard instructors combine EchoPoll’s intuitive course creation tools with EchoVideo’s industry-leading video management capabilities to facilitate educational experiences appropriate for students of all learning styles and ability levels. For example, EchoVideo’s automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology accurately captions recorded lectures so students can read along with their instructors.
Howard administrators noticed a sharp uptick in users after switching to EchoPoll. Content is fully accessible on mobile devices, allowing professors and students alike to engage with it whenever, wherever, and however they want to.
EchoPoll offers polling capabilities used by Howard instructors to track class engagement in real time. If a student is zoning out, their instructor now knows that they need to bring them back on board. If the entire class understands a concept, instructors have the evidence they need to move on to something new even if it wasn’t in the original plan.
Brierley Hill, UK
Cincinnati, OH
Hamilton, Ontario
Echo360 is driven to enable transformed learning experiences for everyone, anywhere through the high quality of solutions, tools, and standards we set for our work and ourselves.
Ensuring our solutions and tools are effective in all kinds of learning environments.
Unleashing the end-to-end learning potential of video, from creation to administration.
Designing and delivering effective engagement tools that produce results.
Providing empirical evidence of engagement, progress, and opportunity areas through easy-to-use dashboards.
Integrating seamlessly with the most widely used Learning Management Systems in education and business.