Join our Webinar: Using Echo360 Student Behavior Data to Prove Positive Outcomes
Student “early-warning” systems often rely on information such as incoming GPA, if the student is first-generation, or other background information such as financial status, race, and gender. When these data points are combined with formative assessments, instructors and administrators can begin to predict whether a student will be successful. However, waiting until a student performs poorly on an exam may be too late to provide effective intervention and remediation.
What if there were other “educationally purposeful” student behaviors that, if properly understood and analyzed, could predict student success earlier in the term – early enough to take proactive steps to improve the chances of a successful outcome for the student?
The answer to that question is at the heart of our upcoming webinar, Using Echo360 Student Behavior Data to Prove Positive Outcomes, held on November 29, 2018, at 2:00 pm EST for USA and Europe and November 30th, 2018 at 12:00 pm AEDT for Australia and New Zealand. The webinar features Dr. Perry Samson, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Professor of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering at the University of Michigan and SVP of Teaching Innovations at Echo360. In this one-hour webinar, Dr. Samson shares his research on how he uses student behavioral data from Echo360 and the Canvas LMS to produce evidenced-based feedback for students to demonstrate how their behaviors such as attendance, classroom participation, and other engagement activities are related to their success.
Anyone who is interested in learning more about student early-warning systems should attend. Join us for Dr. Samson’s presentation to learn and explore what his research reveals about the connection between student behavior and successful outcomes.
For more information, please click here to watch on-demand now.
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