EchoVideo analytics capture a class and an individual student’s engagement with video and polling activities. These analytics can help to ascertain if a student is at risk as early as 3 weeks into a semester.
Instructors can also use the analytics to improve their own practice. For example, identifying that students are watching an average of 60% of videos, or revisiting certain areas of content more than once. This data helps to realign content plans to meet students needs.
EchoVideo has 3 levels of analytics; individual media, course section and consolidated analytics.
Watch the video below to learn more.
What's new in EchoVideo
EchoVideo has released two new features for Instructors. Watch the video below to hear Jo Williams, Echo360 General Manager of APAC and EMEA, outline notifications and the recycle bin.
Share and/or edit media with colleagues and with students in a Collection. Presentation slides, polling slides and video media can all be shared in a collection, making it easier to collaborate and in-turn save time. Watch Jason Sitek, Customer Success Manager in North America explain them in this video.