ATD International Conference 2019 – Rabid for Rapid Authoring
We’re back from another successful ATD conference, and as excited as ever about the direction that digital training and digital training authoring is heading!
Audience response systems: What you need to know
An audience response system allows instructors to ask interactive questions, track learner progress and receive instant feedback.
Best icebreaker polling questions to get to know your audience
Speaking on a topic that is controversial? Do a quick poll to see where everyone stands, and to set the stage for whatever points you are about to make.
Best Practices to Enable Remote Course Instruction
Engaging students who are in a virtual environment necessitates a new set of teaching and training strategies.
Building Effective Online Courses, Part 1
An overview of the steps needed to build effective online courses, starting by taking a deeper look at the why and how to conduct a needs analysis.
Classroom success tips: Preparing students using interactive clicker technology
When preparing for the beginning of a semester, instructors let their students know what textbooks they need, where they can locate additional resources and what is expected of them in the course. But are the students always adequately equipped to use required interactive technology, such as Echo360Point, in their classes? Dr. Meshagae Hunte-Brown, Full Teaching…
Control downloads available to instructors in two simple steps
Attention university administrators! You let us know the importance of ensuring that the entire campus community is using the same version of our Echo360Point software, and we heard you loud and clear. Although we still maintain the latest version of the software on our website, our newly launched selective downloads feature was designed to make…
5 Strategies for Creating More Memorable Learning Content
A summary of the top strategies you can use today to create learning content that will remain in your learners’ long-term memory.
5 ways students can leverage technology to improve academic grades
Guest contributor Jessica Robinson shares 5 ways to engage students in the new normal
6 Compelling Reasons to Use eLearning Templates
Templates are an excellent method for producing content. Here’s a look at how to save time and consistently produce high-quality content using eLearning templates.