Learning resources for modern classroom teaching
Echo360Point’s immediate feedback gives you the ability to evaluate knowledge and modify lessons in the moment in order to spend more time on challenging subjects.
Learning Technologies 2019 Recap
Learning Technologies is easily one of our favorite events of the year because of the impressive attendance, the efficiency with which the conference is coordinated, but most of all, the quality and depth of conversation that we have with the attendees and exhibitors.
Is Your Training Ready for an Elastic Workforce?
A look at the realities of a modern workplace and how you can keep an elastic workforce engaged and growing while improving productivity and employee satisfaction.
Keeping students engaged through finals week
Students may end up passively listening to your lectures at this point in the semester. I often found myself in cruise control during the final weeks.
Leadership and accountability: What every leader needs to know
At the end of the day, if you really think about accountability, it’s your ability to freely choose to accept full responsibility for your choices and conduct.
Interface updates make managing results even easier
In the latest version of Echo360Point, we unveiled an updated interface for the Content and Manage tabs. These updates will make management of results more intuitive, decrease on-screen clutter and reduce confusion for new users. One of our favorite changes lives within the Manage tab. We know the time and effort you put into ensuring…
Is Curation Killing Creation
A look at how curation can assist in your learning strategy, the potential shortcomings of curated content, and tips for its successful integration.
Is Your eLearning Achieving the Desired Results?
The top strategies that you need to help you measure the effectiveness of your online courses and enable you to overcome common evaluation challenges.
Inside and outside of class: Using Echo360Point for interactive homework
Students are often hesitant to speak up, and will frequently avoid asking questions in class in order to prevent potential embarrassment.
Instructor-led to Instructor-less
How to transform lessons, lectures, and courses from an instructor-led environment into an opportunity for learners to interpret.