Effective Online and Hybrid Instruction in the Age of COVID-19

According to a database compiled by the College Crisis Initiative at Davidson College, over 1000 institutions in the U.S. plan to offer hybrid or fully online programs for the upcoming fall term. Success will depend upon each institution’s ability to transition from the emergency remote teaching of the Spring to delivering a hybrid or online…

Instructor Shares Tips for Successful Online Teaching and Learning Using Echo360

In 2016, Echo360 Academic Champion, Dr. KhasadYahu ZarBabal created fully online versions of all the finance and economics courses at Medgar Evers College. Echo360, integrated with the school’s learning management system gives students access to video content, PowerPoint presentations, and other course materials. Dr. ZarBabal also designed low-stakes assessment activities into each course, using Echo360…

Students Advocate for Increased Use of Video and Classroom Capture

The desire to improve accessibility and increase the use of video and classroom capture played a part in a recent student election at the McMaster University. During his run for president of McMaster University’s Student Union, one of the planks of newly elected President Giancarlo Da-Ré’s campaign platform was to work with the University’s MacPherson…

McMaster University: Removing Barriers to Accessibility and Inclusivity

At McMaster University of Ontario, Canada, they describe the process of creating an accessible university as a “project of transformation.” The goal is to “eliminate visible and invisible barriers that impact the teaching and learning experiences of faculty and students alike.” Initiatives at McMaster to create an accessible university go beyond serving populations people usually…

Video and Classroom Activities Makes the Learning in Blended Classes Stick

Kate Bradford, an assistant professor in Criminal Justice at Indian River State College has come to rely heavily on Echo360 for the 7-8 classes she teaches each semester. For her online classes, Bradford creates video content in Echo360 to develop a deeper connection with her students. In her on-campus classes, Bradford uses a blended approach,…

Echo360 Clients Ramp Up Video as Classes Move Online

The global COVID-19 pandemic has forced colleges and universities around the world to close their campuses and move all instruction online in a matter of weeks. At Echo360, we’ve seen a significant increase in video creation and viewing across our global higher education client base during this period. We are sharing some of these early…

Making Smarter Choices During A Crisis

The most recent information suggests COVID-19 is not going away any time soon; experts believe the global peak may be in 3-4 months. As this reality settles in, every day brings on an increasing number of school closures. With no time to adjust, institutions are scrambling to leverage any tools they can to teach remotely…

Save Money and Reduce Complexity by Consolidating on Echo360 as Your Campus Video Platform

Many Echo360 customers have licensed multiple software tools to support the growth of video on campus. These tools are frequently acquired using departmental funds to address specific video use cases. Over time, these disparate tools from different vendors can result in overlapping functionality, spiraling license fees, and excessive training and support costs for the university’s…