Here are the Top Facts that Will Help You Create Effective eLearning for Generation Z
The following four facts about Generation Z will empower you to create effective content to best meet their needs and the needs of your organization.
Fun and engaging attendance questions for students
One of the questions we are commonly asked is how to write fun and engaging attendance questions for students. Before we go any further, any question can be used as an attendance question if it gets your students thinking! Here is a list of our favorite types of attendance questions to ask your students. Play…
“Fun, interactive and engaging” – New research illuminates Echo360Point’s value in the classroom
Do students in a real-world setting find audience response technology to be worthwhile? Even more importantly, do they really experience deeper learning as a result? According to a recent study in the Journal of Chemical Education, the answer to both of those questions is a resounding yes. The study – Tailoring Clicker Technology to Problem-Based…
Gamification: Most Popular Tips for the Best eLearning Design
How to use the features of your authoring tool to create successful elearning gamification and help you and your learners accomplish the intended outcomes.
Four uses of Echo360Point student affairs professionals need to know
Run effective orientation programs Orientation programs are often the first comprehensive opportunity for students to interact with the university campus and community. However, student affairs personnel are challenged to make these long, information-heavy sessions engaging learning experiences. The use of interactive polling questions during orientation can serve to: Spur interactive discussions Allow staff to more…
Four ways to support Team-Based Learning with Echo360Point
Research has shown time and again that active learning enhances the learning process and bolsters student engagement. The big question is how to smoothly integrate these educational theories into the classroom – especially large classrooms – without overburdening instructors. Team-Based Learning is one instructional method designed to address this challenge. With TBL, instruction is based…
Free content: Echo360Point slides for anti-harassment, anti-discrimination training
Echo360Point is one way to break down these barriers and get employees engaged, even if they are uncomfortable or think they have heard it all before.
Five instructional strategies to increase student success
Persistence. Retention. Student Success. Colleges and universities dedicate committees, task forces and even entire departments to improving these measures in response to nation-wide calls for improved graduation rates. Even more important, these factors are fundamental to fulfilling the promise of a college education for the millions of students that enroll each year. Despite all of…
Four Proven Tips for Teaching Online
Echo360 education director John Wilson shares four tips for effective on-line instruction.
Express yourself: Make debates count
It would be fair to say that my days of passionate debating are behind me, but learning to challenge opinions and create positive change is an invaluable life skill.