Government » Military
Echo360’s EchosystemTM delivers transformative online military training for military bases, schools, and agencies across the U.S.A.
When learners complete your upgraded training, you’ll know right away if they make the grade. The Echosystem’s EchoExam is a standard-bearing test creator, making it easy for you to compile better, more comprehensive tests. EchoExam gives you multiple options when it comes to question types, test formatting, and more. You can even have several versions of the same test.
One of the most important aspects of training is accessibility, and Echosystem solutions are built for this. WCAG 2.0-compliant EchoVideo makes online military training available to everyone. EchoVideo’s Automatic Voice Recognition feature creates transcripts, makes closed-captioning possible, and even indexes videos. Your learners can jump straight to the key sections when they need a quick answer.
It’s not always possible to get everyone in the same room for training. EchoVideo makes it simple to connect with everyone through the power of video, no matter where they may be. Town hall-style events and online group meetings give attendees the chance to get clarification and add their voice to the conversation.
Your learners deserve transformative, motivating content. Join the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Sheppard Air Force Base, U.S. Army SHARP, U.S. Navy Center for Service Support, Marine Corps University, and others. The Echosystem provides you with the tools to make your online military training all that it can be.