Setting up a single sign on (SSO) integration with Echo360 Technologies allows you to customize how participants experience our solutions. In addition, Echo360Point SSO offers a wide range of benefits.


Require users to leverage the email passed from their SSO when creating a Echo360Point account to prevent account creation with the wrong email address.


If a user were to have a name change, once changed in SSO, that information will automatically update in their Echo360Point account upon login. (Not available for SAML2/CAS.)


Echo360 Technologies can pull information from SSO to complete account creation fields, such as email, first name, last name and role. It can also lock information down, so that it cannot be modified from the SSO value passed.


Integrating SSO allows users to leverage their existing passwords and prevents the need for creating a separate password for their Echo360Point account.


SSO implements the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), a widely used standard that has built-in mechanisms for ensuring security and integrity of data.


After completing initial setup on the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment, activation of your SSO integration can be completed in a matter of seconds and typically requires no downtime.

If you want an SSO setup, we offer a variety of options to meet your needs, including SAML2/CAS, ADFS, Shibboleth and Azure SSO. Contact sales to learn more about our SSO integration and to get started.