UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH CASE STUDY: Bringing the lecture chalkboard to life

As you might expect from the institution that brought us the discovery of the Higgs bosun and the creation of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned animal, University of Edinburgh leads the way in cutting-edge research.

More recently, Edinburgh has continued to break new ground in combatting tropical diseases, measuring the risk of earthquakes and inventing a new musical instrument for children with disabilities.

Many game-changing innovations such as these started life as handwritten equations, diagrams and calculations, which is why academics often find that the best way to communicate complex concepts to their students is by writing or drawing them using the traditional chalkboard method of teaching.

To capture this handwritten lecture content and turn it into an even more eective learning resource, Edinburgh University worked with Echo360 on a solution that enabled them to create video recordings of these chalkboard lectures.

To read the full case study, download a free copy by filling out the form. You’ll receive a PDF copy of the full-length case study and learn how University of Edinburgh is using Echo360 to:

– Allow students to access the handwritten equations, diagrams and calculations that their instructors produce during a lecture, wherever they are.
– Record chalkboard lectures automatically without the need for lecturers to set up the process.
– Capture lectures containing a mix of PC-based presentations and chalkboard teaching in one recording.