Effective Video-Based Training for Corporations Starts with Making Each Video Accessible

If your organization provides training content via videos, you expedite learning by making corporate training accessible to more employees. If you aren’t featuring videos as part of your training strategy, why not? Videos allows employees to better understand procedures, boosting information retention while making the learning process more efficient. 


The benefits of video learning are many and varied. Workers with learning differences might appreciate the multi-modal opportunity of combining video with other materials. Those pressed for time enjoy microlearning modules accessible on their favorite mobile devices. Whether choosing when and how to engage with training content or progressing at their preferred pace, incorporating video adds something for everyone


For great training videos, you need a great video management platform. Echo360 delivers exactly what you need with EchoVideo: a tool designed to help you and your employees create, capture, manage, store, and search videos with ease. 


Instructor lecturing while video camera records

Video-based learning facilitates training at your pace

One of the biggest advantages of video for training is that it allows employees to progress naturally. If a video provides too much information to absorb in one shot, employees can rewind dense sections or even rewatch entire videos until it clicks. If an employee is watching a video on workplace safety for compliance reasons, they can fast-forward any material they feel comfortable with to focus on newer or more difficult content. Showing your employees that you are valuing their time is a great way to demonstrate the importance you place on their career development.  


This flexibility might tempt employees to spend less time training than they should, but a great video management platform will prevent that from happening. With EchoVideo, you can see how much time each employee spent on a video. If most employees spent 30 minutes but Dylan in accounting finished it in two, you know something might be up. EchoVideo’s sortable admin dashboard also tabulates each learner’s performance, giving you the evidence you need to identify workers who need more support. The data we collect integrates with many learning management systems (LMS) as well, so you can keep all your information under one roof. 


Since videos are always available, your employees can also go back for a refresher whenever they feel the need. Even better, videos are a great way to facilitate just-in-time learning. If you weren’t aware, just-in-time learning refers to an employee’s ability to access training content at the time of need. With our responsive video player, employees can view them from a phone or tablet on a job site or wherever they need them. Connecting training to its practical use cases is a proven way to promote employee engagement and increase the efficacy of eLearning. 


Searchable transcripts make video more effective

If you’ve ever watched a video on YouTube for learning or entertainment purposes, you’re probably already aware of how frustrating it can be when you want to rewatch a specific section but can’t seem to find it by scrubbing forward or backward in the timeline. This is especially problematic for corporate training videos because learners can grow flustered or discouraged by the experience. Insufficient training experiences are one of the reasons employees lose motivation on the job and retention tends to suffer.  


EchoVideo addresses this problem in several different ways. First, videos are transcribed automatically using automated speech recognition technology (ASR). While these transcripts can be edited or shared with captioning technology to create visual captions on screen, they serve an additional purpose. Transcript content is added to a searchable index that makes finding specific information as simple as using a search engine. If an employee is looking for the new federal regulations or the latest product specs, they no longer need to spend hours combing through hours of videos to find what they’re looking for.


Similarly, something is often lost in translation when training videos are derived from live lectures and other sources. With EchoVideo’s full featured player, instructors can add contextual notes tied to specific timestamps to ensure that viewers get the full experience years after recording. Employees can also add personal notes as they watch, enabling them to revisit their original thoughts if they go back for review later on.


Deliver corporate training through video anytime and anywhere

Employees lead busy lives, and it can be prohibitively difficult for them to set aside the time for a two-hour training seminar. Videos accessible on-demand allow employees to watch whenever they have a spare moment, whether that’s during a quiet moment at home, during their lunch break, or just-in-time learning on the job. Studies indicate that employees are often more focused on training when they can choose when it takes place, often producing favorable learning outcomes.


On-demand videos have another benefit as well. Since employees can watch them anywhere they like, they don’t need to waste any time traveling to training seminars. That saves both time and money, making training more convenient for workers. Companies also save the expenses associated with hiring an instructor when they reuse video content, so everybody wins. 


If you want to make training even more convenient for your employees, you can turn your videos into microlearning courses. Microlearning is the eLearning industry’s buzzword for bite-sized training, and it makes a lot of sense when you consider that most employees only focus on training for a few minutes at a time anyway. They can quickly watch, learn something, and go about their day without making a substantial time investment. 


If you want your video training to be as effective as possible, you should verify that it works well on mobile devices. Most people rely on smartphones and tablets when they want to access content on the internet these days, so expecting your employees to tie themselves to a desktop computer whenever it’s time for training doesn’t make sense. Using a device they feel comfortable with may also help employees feel more comfortable watching videos and internalizing all of the information presented to them.

Let your team define what corporate training means for them

Video can make any corporate training strategy more effective, but it won’t make up for video-based training that doesn’t meet the needs of your employees. If your idea of training is limited to mandatory video-based seminars to satisfy licensure and safety requirements, your team will quickly notice that your content provides little if any value and treat it like a chore. 


If you want to inspire your employees to be proactive about training, give them some control over the process. Employees can search for content on their own, enabling them to find videos on the upskilling and reskilling opportunities that most interest them.




You might think managing all of these videos would be a logistical nightmare, but EchoVideo has you covered. Our video-based learning platform makes it easy for admins to create video content, edit existing videos, and keep track of everything your business uses to train each employee. Furthermore, you’ll see which videos are popular and any training videos performing below expectations. You can even solicit feedback from your employees on how to deliver a more effective video-based learning experience. 


Collecting and acting on employee feedback is a good first step toward building a solid rapport with them. If they know you value their opinions, they’re likely to pay more attention to each video to provide meaningful insight into it. That means they’ll put more effort into learning and mastering the skills needed to help companies reach the next level.


Training should be accessible to everyone

If you recall your days as a student, you probably remember that different people approach learning in different ways. Visual learners needed to see their teacher solve a math problem on the whiteboard or use visual aids to illustrate the water cycle, while aural learners would get more out of a discussion of the War of 1812 or how Shakespeare approached his tragedies. Effective training video bridges the gap between disparate learning styles by combining visuals and audio, allowing all employees to access information however works best for them. 


Of course, visual and aural aren’t the only learning styles that video can accommodate. Hands-on learners study best by doing something, and EchoVideo allows instructors to embed questions into video content so they can practice their new skills. Multimodal learning involving multiple senses has also been shown to enhance training, adding value to the affordable captions generated by EchoVideo. Sometimes, listening to content while watching it on their screen is all it takes for difficult concepts to click for an employee.


EchoVideo also meets or exceeds all WCAG 2.1 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) Level AA including Section 508 standards in the United States, meaning that all videos are accessible to employees with sensory impairments or learning differences. This provides equity in the workplace by ensuring that all learners receive equal access to training materials without exception based on prior experience or cognitive ability. For example, any video can be consumed with nothing more than a keyboard to promote equity. 


Many organizations also struggle with discrepancies between synchronous and asynchronous learners, but EchoVideo solves this problem too. Live class meetings including video can be recorded in full context, ensuring that any employees who couldn’t attend still get the full experience. Likewise, any questions embedded into videos remain so asynchronous learners can still participate. Combining EchoVideo with other Echosystem solutions also gives asynchronous learners access to collaboration tools such as live leaderboards and badges, threaded message boards, and more. 


EchoVideo makes training more effective

Videos are the best way to engage your audience whether you have a remote workforce or are looking for something to spice up in-person training seminars. Videos engage more senses than lectures or text-based alternatives, improving retention rates. Videos are also cost-effective since you can easily reuse and edit them instead of paying a third party every time. Perhaps most importantly, employees prefer to watch videos whenever they’re given the choice of training mechanisms. 


Video is the best way to deliver corporate training due to its unparalleled effectiveness in conveying everything from safety protocols to company policies to a broad swath of employees, but video training alone won’t produce great results. You also need a video platform to make creating and managing videos easier, and that’s where EchoVideo comes in. EchoVideo transforms passive video into active learning, provides comprehensive features without the complexity of other solutions, and provides analytical tools that nobody else can. 


If you would like to learn more about the value of video in corporate training or what makes EchoVideo such a good platform, please request further info today! We would be delighted to answer any lingering questions you might have about how video could help your employees unlock their full potential. 

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Instructors, administrators, and learners everywhere can now experience the most comprehensive suite of learning engagement, assessment, and authoring solutions.

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Effortlessly create assignments, launch assessment questions and collect real-time responses to evaluate performance. Build on outcomes to create continuous improvement with learners at all levels.

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Best-In-Class Learning Management Solution

Question Types

With over 14 different question types, you can match the assessment to the material at hand. Use traditional test question types such as true/false, multiple-choice, multiple response, numeric response, matching, completion, short answer and essay to review, re-teach and reinforce learning.

Reporting & Analytics

Ensuring that learners understand the information presented and how it can impact their success is key. Assess, track and analyze learner performance. Get results immediately and view valuable reports at the individual level, or for the class or group as a whole. Provide results in real-time, or at a later time as preferred.

Dynamic Bimodal Versioning

With dynamic content, generate multiple iterations of exam questions to test the same concept. Use bimodal to toggle between multiple-choice and short answer question types, immediately changing the item difficulty level.

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The Echosystem is our dynamic model of customized solutions that correspond to the relationship, environment, content, and assessment required:

Create, capture, manage, store and search video with the most powerful platform anywhere.
From in-person to virtual to flipped classrooms, we have the tools to engage your learners.
Creating effective and engaging materials for your learners has never been easier -or more impactful.
Create multi-modal assessments and generate analytics within seconds.

We make it easy to bring learning to life — anywhere.

Echo360 is driven to enable inspired learning experiences for everyone, anywhere through the high quality of solutions, tools, and standards we set for our work and ourselves. 

Hybrid Learning

Ensuring our solutions and tools are effective in all kinds of learning environments.  

Video Management

Unleashing the end-to-end learning potential of video, from creation to administration.  

Engagement Outcomes

Designing and delivering effective engagement tools that produce results. 

Reporting & Analytics

Providing empirical evidence of engagement, progress, and opportunity areas through easy-to-use dashboards. 

LMS Integration

Integrating seamlessly with the most widely used Learning Management Systems in education and business. 


Committing to meeting or exceeding standards that ensure learning equity.