Virtual classrooms are a popular solution to some of the biggest problems that come with distance learning. Many online courses are designed around pre-recorded content for students to study at their leisure, submitting standardized assessments when they are finished. It’s a convenient method of learning, but it lacks the human connection. That’s where the live virtual classroom comes in.
A live virtual classroom simulates a live classroom. Lessons are synchronous with a teacher and students appearing in an online space to interact in real-time. That being said, many virtual lessons can be pre-recorded. Live virtual classrooms are flexible enough to fit the style and needs of all users.
Echo360’s Echosystem has all the components needed to make an excellent live virtual classroom. Teachers use EchoVideo and EchoAuthor to create engaging components for use during live lessons, in which students and teachers take part in using EchoEngage. Everything in EchoEngage is designed with accessibility in mind so all students can take an active part in their live virtual classroom.
Instructors, administrators, and learners everywhere can now experience the most comprehensive suite of learning engagement, assessment, and authoring solutions.
Let’s talk more to find the right solution for you.
Instructors, administrators, and learners everywhere can now experience the most comprehensive suite of learning engagement, assessment, and authoring solutions.
Let’s talk more to find the right solution for you.
Effortlessly create assignments, launch assessment questions and collect real-time responses to evaluate performance. Build on outcomes to create continuous improvement with learners at all levels.
Get started for free. No credit card required.
With over 14 different question types, you can match the assessment to the material at hand. Use traditional test question types such as true/false, multiple-choice, multiple response, numeric response, matching, completion, short answer and essay to review, re-teach and reinforce learning.
Ensuring that learners understand the information presented and how it can impact their success is key. Assess, track and analyze learner performance. Get results immediately and view valuable reports at the individual level, or for the class or group as a whole. Provide results in real-time, or at a later time as preferred.
With dynamic content, generate multiple iterations of exam questions to test the same concept. Use bimodal to toggle between multiple-choice and short answer question types, immediately changing the item difficulty level.
Distance learning is already growing at an exponential rate, and it’s only going to grow more because there’s no reason all education needs to happen in the same physical space. The Echosystem gives students and teachers a greater deal of flexibility. Contact us today to learn how you can use Echo360’s Echosystem to improve your live virtual classroom.
Echo360 is driven to enable inspired learning experiences for everyone, anywhere through the high quality of solutions, tools, and standards we set for our work and ourselves.
Ensuring our solutions and tools are effective in all kinds of learning environments.
Unleashing the end-to-end learning potential of video, from creation to administration.
Designing and delivering effective engagement tools that produce results.
Providing empirical evidence of engagement, progress, and opportunity areas through easy-to-use dashboards.
Integrating seamlessly with the most widely used Learning Management Systems in education and business.
Echo360 delivers an innovative model for engaged learning in the post-Covid age. We offer coherent and compelling learner-centered experiences regardless of place and time, so all learners have the opportunities to learn.