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explore echo360's accountability

Echo360 works with leading sustainability reporting initiatives to measure the breadth of our impacts and optimize for harmony with the ecosystems we depend on and the markets we help flourish.

As an active member of the UN Global Compact, Echo360 regularly reviews the company’s related initiatives, evaluating company benchmarks for things like alignment with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our carbon footprint, anti-corruption procedures, and planning to grow Echo360’s commitments as capacity permits. 

  • GPT Inc. Reporting
  • Green Project Technologies Report on Echo360’s Carbon Footprint

    Total Carbon Footprint

    Emission by scope (Mtons)

    Scope 1
    Scope 2
    Scope 3
    0 *

    *GPT is introducing the measurement of Scope 3 emissions in mid to late 2024.

    Carbon Footprint (Mtons)

    Data: Absolute Emissions

    Scope 3

    Downstream leased assets
    Sold products
    Upstream leased assets
    Fuel and energy related activities
    Upstream Transportation and Distribution
    Downstream Transportation and Distribution
    Business Travel
    Employee commute
    Purchased goods and services

    Scope 2


    Scope 1

    Fugitive and processed emissions
    Stationary Combustion
    Mobile Combustion

    Carbon Emissions (Mtons)


    Download Echo360’s emissions data as a PDF file, broken down according to GHG Protocols scopes and categories.

    Generate a full breakdown of how GPT calculated Echo360’s carbon footprint, including the data Echo360 provided and the methodology and datasets GPT used. This report contains all the information an auditor will need to verify Echo360’s carbon footprint.

    Download a summary of Echo360’s sustainability progress as a PDF file.

    Download Echo360’s emissions data as a PDF file, broken down according to GHG Protocols scopes and categories.
    Generate a full breakdown of how GPT calculated Echo360’s carbon footprint, including the data Echo360 provided and the methodology and datasets GPT used. This report contains all the information an auditor will need to verify Echo360’s carbon footprint.
    Download a summary of Echo360’s sustainability progress as a PDF file.

  • UN Global Compact
  • As an active member in the world’s largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative, Echo360 makes a commitment to align its strategies and operations with the United Nations Global Compact’s Ten Principles related to human rights, labor, environmental practices and anti-corruption. In conjunction with this commitment, Echo360 advances broader societal benefits in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

    Participation in the UN Global Compact requires signatories to report yearly on their commitments to the universal sustainability principles and development goals. In 2023, Echo360 submitted the Compact’s volunteer Communication on Progress and maintained our active status as members.

    In 2024, Echo360 will continue to work towards fulfilling our Compact commitments, focusing on gender equality employee training, anti-corruption policy and procedure, and energy and resource use benchmarking and policy. 

    To learn more about the UN Global Compact, visit

  • SDG Alignment
  • Cimate Commitment
  • EchoEco's logo over forest background. Echo360's logo as a subheading, as EchoEco is it's environmental, social and governance webspace.

    Setting up APIs, digging into archives for energy bills and meter data, pouring over policy requirements – all of it thankless, tedious, but incredibly important work that our teams at Echo360 are doing to prove our commitment to all the ecosystems we inhabit. 

    Echo360’s commitment is to hold the company accountable to taking the utmost care in stewarding every natural and learning environment we are connected to and dependent on. Echo360 does the necessary internal legwork and consults with credible, independent reporting agencies to ensure transparency, accuracy, and accountability in our commitment to operating sustainably and ethically.

  • CEO Statements
  • Land Acknowledgements
  • Youngstown, Ohio, United States —

    Echo360 respectfully acknowledges that our business operates on the ancestral lands of the Osage, the Erie, and the Kaskaskia, in what is now known as Youngstown, Ohio. Echo360 honors the rich history, enduring presence, and cultural heritage of these Indigenous peoples. Echo360 recognizes their sovereignty and expresses gratitude for their stewardship of this land through generations. As a company, Echo360 is committed to fostering respect for and learning from the Osage, the Erie, and the Kaskaskia communities.

    Scottsdale, Arizona, United States —

    Echo360 respectfully acknowledges that it is doing business on the ancestral territory of the O’odham Jeweḍ, the Akimel O’odham (Upper Pima), and the Hohokam, in what is now commonly known as Scottsdale, Arizona. Echo360 honors the rich history and enduring connection of these Indigenous peoples to this region. Echo360 recognize their sovereignty and is grateful for their stewardship of this land through generations. Echo360 is committed to fostering respect for and learning from the O’odham Jeweḍ, the Akimel O’odham, and the Hohokam.

    Perth, Western Australia, Australia —

    Echo360 acknowledges the Whadjuk people of Noongar Boodjar as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which the company does business in the area now commonly known as Perth, Australia. Echo360 recognizes their continued connection to the land and waters of this beautiful place and acknowledges that they never ceded sovereignty. Echo360 pays respect to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.

  • Company Policies

    Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights; it includes slavery, servitude, forced labour, forced marriage, child labour violations, debt bondage, deceptive recruiting for labour or services, and human trafficking.

    Echo360 is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships, and to implementing and enforcing systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not present or permitted in our own business practices or across any of our controllable supply chains. Our practices and policies in this regard are guided by the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018.

    This policy applies to all persons working for Echo360 or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees, directors, officers, volunteers, interns, agents, contractors, consultants, third-party representatives, and business partners. The policy is applied to and enforced for all Echo360 business activities in all Echo360 markets.

    Responsibility for the policy

    Echo360 has responsibility for ensuring this policy complies with our legal and ethical obligations, and that those under our direct or indirect management comply with it.

    Compliance with the policy

    All persons working for Echo360 must comply with this policy. The prevention, detection, and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our business or supply chains is the responsibility of those working for us or under our control.

    All persons are required to avoid any activity that might lead to or suggest a breach of this policy and must notify their line manager OR a company Director as soon as soon as they believe or suspect that a conflict with this policy has occurred or may occur in the future.

    If any person working for Echo360 is unsure about whether a particular act, the treatment of workers more generally, or their working conditions within any tier of Echo360’s supply chains constitute any of the various forms of modern slavery, they must raise it with Human Resources via email @

    Communication & awareness of this policy

    Internal employees will be trained on and indicate acceptance of Echo360’s policy at time of hire, with updates provided using established methods of communication between Echo360 management and employees.

    External suppliers, contractors, consultants, and partners will be advised and encouraged to accept Echo360’s policy at the outset of our business relationship with them, and reinforced as appropriate thereafter.

    Breaches of this policy

    Any employee or external entity who breaches Echo360’s policy will face commensurate disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal or termination.

    Last updated: 2022-07


    Echo360 is an equal opportunity employer and will provide equality in employment for all people employed or seeking employment. Every person will be given a fair and equitable chance to compete for appointment, promotion or transfer, and to pursue their career as effectively as others. Employment decisions relating to appointment, promotion and career development will be determined according to individual merit and competence. 

    Consistent with this, Echo360 does not condone any form of unlawful discrimination or vilification, including that which relates to: gender; pregnancy; marital/domestic status; disability; race, color, national extraction, social origin, descent, and ethnic or national origin; age; family responsibilities, family status; status as a parent or carer; racial classification; sexuality; religious belief or activity; political belief or activity; trade union activity; physical features; medical record; criminal record; or any other legally protected attribute. 

    In all cases, no factors other than performance and competence are to be used as the basis for performance assessment, training and development opportunities and promotions. 


    Within the principle of providing equal employment opportunities for all qualified employees and applicants, the Company is committed to promoting a workplace culture that is inclusive, supportive, and respectful of all employees, regardless of gender. Our commitment to gender equality is manifest in the following areas:

    1. Non-discrimination

    We do not tolerate discrimination based on gender, gender identity, gender expression, or any other protected characteristic. We expect all employees to treat each other with respect and dignity, and to avoid any behavior or language that could be considered discriminatory.

    2. Equal Opportunity

    We provide equal employment opportunities to all employees, including opportunities for promotion, training, and development. We do not discriminate based on gender, and we are committed to creating a workplace where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

    3. Pay Equity

    We are committed to paying all employees fairly and equitably, regardless of gender. We regularly review our pay practices to identify and address any disparities, and we strive to provide competitive compensation packages to all employees.

    4. Harassment and Bullying

    We do not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying, including sexual harassment, in the workplace. We take all complaints of harassment or bullying seriously and investigate them thoroughly. We provide support and resources to employees who experience harassment or bullying, and we take appropriate disciplinary action against anyone found to have engaged in such behavior.

    5. Flexible Work Arrangements

    We offer flexible work arrangements to help employees balance their work and personal responsibilities. We understand that everyone’s needs are different, and we strive to accommodate individual preferences as much as possible.

    6. Support for Caregivers

    We recognize the challenges that caregivers face and are committed to supporting employees who have caregiving responsibilities. We offer a range of support services, such as flexible work arrangements, access to child care or elder care resources, and time off for caregiving responsibilities.


    Harassment Will Not Be Tolerated.

    Echo360 is committed to providing a workplace that is free of verbal, physical and visual forms of harassment so that everyone can work in a productive, respectful and professional environment. Harassment in employment based on sex, race, national origin, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or any other basis prohibited by local, state or federal law is strictly prohibited. Echo360 does not tolerate harassment, based upon any protected status, by anyone in the workplace — supervisors, co-workers, or non-employees. Employees who violate this policy are subject to discipline, up to and including possible termination.

    Examples of harassment based on race, national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, age or disability can include, but are not limited to:

    • Cartoons or other visual displays of objects, pictures or posters that depict such protected groups in a derogatory way;

    • Verbal conduct, including making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs and jokes towards such groups or individuals based on the identified characteristics.

    Sexual harassment is generally defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

    • Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment;

    • Submission to or rejection of such conduct affects employment opportunities; or

    • The conduct interferes with an employee’s work or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

    Sexual harassment includes harassment based on another person’s gender or harassment based upon pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. It also includes harassment of another employee of the same gender as the harasser.

    Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to, the following types of behavior:

    • Unwelcome sexual advances, like requests for dates or propositions for sexual favors;

    • Excessive, one-sided, romantic attention in the form of requests for dates, love letters, calls, emails or gifts;

    • Offering or conditioning an employment benefit, like a raise, a promotion or a special job assignment, in exchange for sexual favors;

    • Making or threatening reprisals, or changing performance expectations after an employee has turned down a sexual advance;

    • Visual or physical conduct, like leering, making sexual gestures, or displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, calendars or posters in the workplace;

    • Verbal conduct, like making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, teasing and jokes of a sexual nature;

    • Verbal or written comments (including emails or electronic messages) about an individual’s sex life or body;

    • Sexually degrading words used to describe an individual;

    • Suggestive or obscene letters, emails, notes or invitations; and

    • Unwelcome physical contact, including pats, hugs, brushes, touches, shoulder rubs, assaults, or impeding or blocking movements.

    This policy is also violated if an employee is fired, denied a job, or denied some other employment benefit because the employee refused to grant sexual favors, complained about harassment, or assisted in an investigation of harassment. Echo360 is committed to taking reasonable steps to prevent harassment from occurring and will take immediate and appropriate action when we know that unlawful harassment has occurred. To do this, however, we need the cooperation of all employees at all levels.


    The Company is committed to conducting our business with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Corruption in any form is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. We have a responsibility to act with honesty and transparency in all of our business dealings. 

    The Company’s Anti-Corruption Policy includes but is not limited to:  

    • Bribery, including offering or accepting gifts, money, or other benefits in exchange for business or personal favors. 

    • Kickbacks, including giving or receiving money or other benefits in exchange for business referrals or contracts. 

    • Fraud, including misrepresenting company information or falsifying records. 

    • Any other corrupt or unethical behavior that violates the law or company policies. 

    All employees are required to comply with this policy and any applicable laws and regulations. Employees who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The company reserves the right to take legal action against any employee or third party involved in corruption or unethical behavior.


    The Company recognizes and respects our employees’ right to express their opinions and views freely, both inside and outside of the workplace. We believe that open communication and the exchange of ideas are essential to creating a productive, creative, and supportive workplace culture, and we foster employee freedom of expression through the following:

    1. Open Communication

    We encourage open communication and the exchange of ideas among all employees, and we strive to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions and views. We believe that diverse perspectives lead to better decision-making and problem-solving, and we value the contributions of all employees.

    2. Respectful Communication

    While we encourage open communication, we also expect all employees to communicate in a respectful and professional manner. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, discrimination, or bullying in the workplace, including any communication that could be considered threatening or offensive.

    3. Confidentiality

    We recognize that certain information must be kept confidential, such as trade secrets, proprietary information, and personal information. We expect all employees to respect the confidentiality of such information and to avoid disclosing it to unauthorized parties.

    4. Social Media

    We recognize that social media has become an important tool for communication and expression, both inside and outside of the workplace. We expect all employees to use social media in a responsible and professional manner, and to avoid any communication that could be considered defamatory, harassing, discriminatory, or offensive. 


    Echo360 is committed to reducing its impact on the environment. We will strive to improve our environmental performance over time and to initiate additional projects and activities that will further reduce our impacts on the environment.

    Our commitment to the environment extends to our customers, our staff, our partners, and the community in which we operate. We are committed to:

    • Comply with all applicable environmental regulations;

    • Prevent pollution whenever possible;

    • Train all staff on our environmental program and empower them to contribute and participate;

    • Communicate our environmental commitment and efforts to our customers, staff, and our community; and

    • Continually improve over time by striving to measure our environmental impacts and by setting goals to reduce these impacts each year.

    ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY IMPACT A: Solution Sustainability

    Echo360’s solution is hosted by Amazon Web Services and Echo360 trusts AWS to minimise its impact on the environment as much as possible. AWS has publicly shared its commitment to sustainable energy with a goal to power the global AWS infrastructure with 100% renewable energy by 2025.

    AWS is rapidly progressing towards meeting these goals by focusing on four complementary areas.

    • First, AWS is continuously working on ways to increase the energy efficiency of its facilities and equipment, innovating the design and manufacture of its servers, storage, and networking equipment to reduce energy use and improve operational excellence as the business grows.

    • Second, AWS works with industry associations, international, federal, and state governments to increase incentives and create a more favourable environment for renewable energy.

    • Third, AWS works with its various power providers that supply AWS data centres around the world to increase the availability of renewables in their power supply while maintaining low prices.

    • And fourth, AWS has funded many wind and solar PPAs to increase the overall amount of renewable energy available on the grids that serve AWS data centres.

    These initiatives will be extended to the global AWS data centres over time.

    Amazon is part of the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE – and participates in the U.S. Partnership for Renewable Energy Finance (US PREF – to increase its work with state and federal policymakers and other stakeholders to enable more renewable energy opportunities for cloud providers.

    Please visit for more details about AWS’s approach to sustainability.

    ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY IMPACT B: Employee Energy and Resource Use

    Below are the guidelines followed at the Company’s workplace settings and encouraged at employees’ remote work settings:

    Energy Use

    • Echo360 off lights, computers, and other equipment when not in use.

    • Adjusting the thermostat to save energy during non-business hours.

    • Using energy-efficient appliances and equipment where possible.

    Resource Use

    • Reducing paper use by printing double-sided and only when necessary.

    • Using refillable water bottles and coffee cups instead of disposable ones.

    • Recycling paper, plastics, and other materials.

    • Using reusable bags and containers for lunch and snacks.

    Personal Responsibility

    • Considering the environmental impact of your actions both at work and at home.

    • Encouraging colleagues to adopt sustainable practices.

    • Reporting any energy or resource waste to management.

    These policies can also be found under Echo360’s Online Privacy Policy here: 

Green Project Technologies Report on Echo360’s Carbon Footprint

Total Carbon Footprint

Emission by scope (Mtons)

Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
0 *

*GPT is introducing the measurement of Scope 3 emissions in mid to late 2024.

Carbon Footprint (Mtons)

Data: Absolute Emissions

Scope 3

Downstream leased assets
Sold products
Upstream leased assets
Fuel and energy related activities
Upstream Transportation and Distribution
Downstream Transportation and Distribution
Business Travel
Employee commute
Purchased goods and services

Scope 2


Scope 1

Fugitive and processed emissions
Stationary Combustion
Mobile Combustion

Carbon Emissions (Mtons)


Download Echo360’s emissions data as a PDF file, broken down according to GHG Protocols scopes and categories.

Generate a full breakdown of how GPT calculated Echo360’s carbon footprint, including the data Echo360 provided and the methodology and datasets GPT used. This report contains all the information an auditor will need to verify Echo360’s carbon footprint.

Download a summary of Echo360’s sustainability progress as a PDF file.

Download Echo360’s emissions data as a PDF file, broken down according to GHG Protocols scopes and categories.
Generate a full breakdown of how GPT calculated Echo360’s carbon footprint, including the data Echo360 provided and the methodology and datasets GPT used. This report contains all the information an auditor will need to verify Echo360’s carbon footprint.
Download a summary of Echo360’s sustainability progress as a PDF file.

As an active member in the world’s largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative, Echo360 makes a commitment to align its strategies and operations with the United Nations Global Compact’s Ten Principles related to human rights, labor, environmental practices and anti-corruption. In conjunction with this commitment, Echo360 advances broader societal benefits in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Participation in the UN Global Compact requires signatories to report yearly on their commitments to the universal sustainability principles and development goals. In 2023, Echo360 submitted the Compact’s volunteer Communication on Progress and maintained our active status as members.

In 2024, Echo360 will continue to work towards fulfilling our Compact commitments, focusing on gender equality employee training, anti-corruption policy and procedure, and energy and resource use benchmarking and policy. 

To learn more about the UN Global Compact, visit

EchoEco's logo over forest background. Echo360's logo as a subheading, as EchoEco is it's environmental, social and governance webspace.

Setting up APIs, digging into archives for energy bills and meter data, pouring over policy requirements – all of it thankless, tedious, but incredibly important work that our teams at Echo360 are doing to prove our commitment to all the ecosystems we inhabit. 

Echo360’s commitment is to hold the company accountable to taking the utmost care in stewarding every natural and learning environment we are connected to and dependent on. Echo360 does the necessary internal legwork and consults with credible, independent reporting agencies to ensure transparency, accuracy, and accountability in our commitment to operating sustainably and ethically.

Youngstown, Ohio, United States —

Echo360 respectfully acknowledges that our business operates on the ancestral lands of the Osage, the Erie, and the Kaskaskia, in what is now known as Youngstown, Ohio. Echo360 honors the rich history, enduring presence, and cultural heritage of these Indigenous peoples. Echo360 recognizes their sovereignty and expresses gratitude for their stewardship of this land through generations. As a company, Echo360 is committed to fostering respect for and learning from the Osage, the Erie, and the Kaskaskia communities.

Scottsdale, Arizona, United States —

Echo360 respectfully acknowledges that it is doing business on the ancestral territory of the O’odham Jeweḍ, the Akimel O’odham (Upper Pima), and the Hohokam, in what is now commonly known as Scottsdale, Arizona. Echo360 honors the rich history and enduring connection of these Indigenous peoples to this region. Echo360 recognize their sovereignty and is grateful for their stewardship of this land through generations. Echo360 is committed to fostering respect for and learning from the O’odham Jeweḍ, the Akimel O’odham, and the Hohokam.

Perth, Western Australia, Australia —

Echo360 acknowledges the Whadjuk people of Noongar Boodjar as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which the company does business in the area now commonly known as Perth, Australia. Echo360 recognizes their continued connection to the land and waters of this beautiful place and acknowledges that they never ceded sovereignty. Echo360 pays respect to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.


Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights; it includes slavery, servitude, forced labour, forced marriage, child labour violations, debt bondage, deceptive recruiting for labour or services, and human trafficking.

Echo360 is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships, and to implementing and enforcing systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not present or permitted in our own business practices or across any of our controllable supply chains. Our practices and policies in this regard are guided by the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018.

This policy applies to all persons working for Echo360 or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees, directors, officers, volunteers, interns, agents, contractors, consultants, third-party representatives, and business partners. The policy is applied to and enforced for all Echo360 business activities in all Echo360 markets.

Responsibility for the policy

Echo360 has responsibility for ensuring this policy complies with our legal and ethical obligations, and that those under our direct or indirect management comply with it.

Compliance with the policy

All persons working for Echo360 must comply with this policy. The prevention, detection, and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our business or supply chains is the responsibility of those working for us or under our control.

All persons are required to avoid any activity that might lead to or suggest a breach of this policy and must notify their line manager OR a company Director as soon as soon as they believe or suspect that a conflict with this policy has occurred or may occur in the future.

If any person working for Echo360 is unsure about whether a particular act, the treatment of workers more generally, or their working conditions within any tier of Echo360’s supply chains constitute any of the various forms of modern slavery, they must raise it with Human Resources via email @

Communication & awareness of this policy

Internal employees will be trained on and indicate acceptance of Echo360’s policy at time of hire, with updates provided using established methods of communication between Echo360 management and employees.

External suppliers, contractors, consultants, and partners will be advised and encouraged to accept Echo360’s policy at the outset of our business relationship with them, and reinforced as appropriate thereafter.

Breaches of this policy

Any employee or external entity who breaches Echo360’s policy will face commensurate disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal or termination.

Last updated: 2022-07


Echo360 is an equal opportunity employer and will provide equality in employment for all people employed or seeking employment. Every person will be given a fair and equitable chance to compete for appointment, promotion or transfer, and to pursue their career as effectively as others. Employment decisions relating to appointment, promotion and career development will be determined according to individual merit and competence. 

Consistent with this, Echo360 does not condone any form of unlawful discrimination or vilification, including that which relates to: gender; pregnancy; marital/domestic status; disability; race, color, national extraction, social origin, descent, and ethnic or national origin; age; family responsibilities, family status; status as a parent or carer; racial classification; sexuality; religious belief or activity; political belief or activity; trade union activity; physical features; medical record; criminal record; or any other legally protected attribute. 

In all cases, no factors other than performance and competence are to be used as the basis for performance assessment, training and development opportunities and promotions. 


Within the principle of providing equal employment opportunities for all qualified employees and applicants, the Company is committed to promoting a workplace culture that is inclusive, supportive, and respectful of all employees, regardless of gender. Our commitment to gender equality is manifest in the following areas:

1. Non-discrimination

We do not tolerate discrimination based on gender, gender identity, gender expression, or any other protected characteristic. We expect all employees to treat each other with respect and dignity, and to avoid any behavior or language that could be considered discriminatory.

2. Equal Opportunity

We provide equal employment opportunities to all employees, including opportunities for promotion, training, and development. We do not discriminate based on gender, and we are committed to creating a workplace where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

3. Pay Equity

We are committed to paying all employees fairly and equitably, regardless of gender. We regularly review our pay practices to identify and address any disparities, and we strive to provide competitive compensation packages to all employees.

4. Harassment and Bullying

We do not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying, including sexual harassment, in the workplace. We take all complaints of harassment or bullying seriously and investigate them thoroughly. We provide support and resources to employees who experience harassment or bullying, and we take appropriate disciplinary action against anyone found to have engaged in such behavior.

5. Flexible Work Arrangements

We offer flexible work arrangements to help employees balance their work and personal responsibilities. We understand that everyone’s needs are different, and we strive to accommodate individual preferences as much as possible.

6. Support for Caregivers

We recognize the challenges that caregivers face and are committed to supporting employees who have caregiving responsibilities. We offer a range of support services, such as flexible work arrangements, access to child care or elder care resources, and time off for caregiving responsibilities.


Harassment Will Not Be Tolerated.

Echo360 is committed to providing a workplace that is free of verbal, physical and visual forms of harassment so that everyone can work in a productive, respectful and professional environment. Harassment in employment based on sex, race, national origin, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or any other basis prohibited by local, state or federal law is strictly prohibited. Echo360 does not tolerate harassment, based upon any protected status, by anyone in the workplace — supervisors, co-workers, or non-employees. Employees who violate this policy are subject to discipline, up to and including possible termination.

Examples of harassment based on race, national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, age or disability can include, but are not limited to:

• Cartoons or other visual displays of objects, pictures or posters that depict such protected groups in a derogatory way;

• Verbal conduct, including making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs and jokes towards such groups or individuals based on the identified characteristics.

Sexual harassment is generally defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

• Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment;

• Submission to or rejection of such conduct affects employment opportunities; or

• The conduct interferes with an employee’s work or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

Sexual harassment includes harassment based on another person’s gender or harassment based upon pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. It also includes harassment of another employee of the same gender as the harasser.

Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to, the following types of behavior:

• Unwelcome sexual advances, like requests for dates or propositions for sexual favors;

• Excessive, one-sided, romantic attention in the form of requests for dates, love letters, calls, emails or gifts;

• Offering or conditioning an employment benefit, like a raise, a promotion or a special job assignment, in exchange for sexual favors;

• Making or threatening reprisals, or changing performance expectations after an employee has turned down a sexual advance;

• Visual or physical conduct, like leering, making sexual gestures, or displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, calendars or posters in the workplace;

• Verbal conduct, like making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, teasing and jokes of a sexual nature;

• Verbal or written comments (including emails or electronic messages) about an individual’s sex life or body;

• Sexually degrading words used to describe an individual;

• Suggestive or obscene letters, emails, notes or invitations; and

• Unwelcome physical contact, including pats, hugs, brushes, touches, shoulder rubs, assaults, or impeding or blocking movements.

This policy is also violated if an employee is fired, denied a job, or denied some other employment benefit because the employee refused to grant sexual favors, complained about harassment, or assisted in an investigation of harassment. Echo360 is committed to taking reasonable steps to prevent harassment from occurring and will take immediate and appropriate action when we know that unlawful harassment has occurred. To do this, however, we need the cooperation of all employees at all levels.


The Company is committed to conducting our business with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Corruption in any form is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. We have a responsibility to act with honesty and transparency in all of our business dealings. 

The Company’s Anti-Corruption Policy includes but is not limited to:  

• Bribery, including offering or accepting gifts, money, or other benefits in exchange for business or personal favors. 

• Kickbacks, including giving or receiving money or other benefits in exchange for business referrals or contracts. 

• Fraud, including misrepresenting company information or falsifying records. 

• Any other corrupt or unethical behavior that violates the law or company policies. 

All employees are required to comply with this policy and any applicable laws and regulations. Employees who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The company reserves the right to take legal action against any employee or third party involved in corruption or unethical behavior.


The Company recognizes and respects our employees’ right to express their opinions and views freely, both inside and outside of the workplace. We believe that open communication and the exchange of ideas are essential to creating a productive, creative, and supportive workplace culture, and we foster employee freedom of expression through the following:

1. Open Communication

We encourage open communication and the exchange of ideas among all employees, and we strive to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions and views. We believe that diverse perspectives lead to better decision-making and problem-solving, and we value the contributions of all employees.

2. Respectful Communication

While we encourage open communication, we also expect all employees to communicate in a respectful and professional manner. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, discrimination, or bullying in the workplace, including any communication that could be considered threatening or offensive.

3. Confidentiality

We recognize that certain information must be kept confidential, such as trade secrets, proprietary information, and personal information. We expect all employees to respect the confidentiality of such information and to avoid disclosing it to unauthorized parties.

4. Social Media

We recognize that social media has become an important tool for communication and expression, both inside and outside of the workplace. We expect all employees to use social media in a responsible and professional manner, and to avoid any communication that could be considered defamatory, harassing, discriminatory, or offensive. 


Echo360 is committed to reducing its impact on the environment. We will strive to improve our environmental performance over time and to initiate additional projects and activities that will further reduce our impacts on the environment.

Our commitment to the environment extends to our customers, our staff, our partners, and the community in which we operate. We are committed to:

• Comply with all applicable environmental regulations;

• Prevent pollution whenever possible;

• Train all staff on our environmental program and empower them to contribute and participate;

• Communicate our environmental commitment and efforts to our customers, staff, and our community; and

• Continually improve over time by striving to measure our environmental impacts and by setting goals to reduce these impacts each year.


Echo360’s solution is hosted by Amazon Web Services and Echo360 trusts AWS to minimise its impact on the environment as much as possible. AWS has publicly shared its commitment to sustainable energy with a goal to power the global AWS infrastructure with 100% renewable energy by 2025.

AWS is rapidly progressing towards meeting these goals by focusing on four complementary areas.

• First, AWS is continuously working on ways to increase the energy efficiency of its facilities and equipment, innovating the design and manufacture of its servers, storage, and networking equipment to reduce energy use and improve operational excellence as the business grows.

• Second, AWS works with industry associations, international, federal, and state governments to increase incentives and create a more favourable environment for renewable energy.

• Third, AWS works with its various power providers that supply AWS data centres around the world to increase the availability of renewables in their power supply while maintaining low prices.

• And fourth, AWS has funded many wind and solar PPAs to increase the overall amount of renewable energy available on the grids that serve AWS data centres.

These initiatives will be extended to the global AWS data centres over time.

Amazon is part of the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE – and participates in the U.S. Partnership for Renewable Energy Finance (US PREF – to increase its work with state and federal policymakers and other stakeholders to enable more renewable energy opportunities for cloud providers.

Please visit for more details about AWS’s approach to sustainability.

ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY IMPACT B: Employee Energy and Resource Use

Below are the guidelines followed at the Company’s workplace settings and encouraged at employees’ remote work settings:

Energy Use

• Echo360 off lights, computers, and other equipment when not in use.

• Adjusting the thermostat to save energy during non-business hours.

• Using energy-efficient appliances and equipment where possible.

Resource Use

• Reducing paper use by printing double-sided and only when necessary.

• Using refillable water bottles and coffee cups instead of disposable ones.

• Recycling paper, plastics, and other materials.

• Using reusable bags and containers for lunch and snacks.

Personal Responsibility

• Considering the environmental impact of your actions both at work and at home.

• Encouraging colleagues to adopt sustainable practices.

• Reporting any energy or resource waste to management.

These policies can also be found under Echo360’s Online Privacy Policy here: