The Role of Academic Video in Supporting Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning

McMaster University

McMaster University of Ontario, Canada uses the Echo360 video platform as one of the tools to help meet the requirements mandated by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). The statute is designed to improve accessibility standards for people with physical or mental disabilities. However, research conducted by the University has shown that in…

Using Video for Formative, Clinical Assessments at the UIC College of Dentistry

UIC College of Dentistry

Among the highlights from every user conference are the stories instructors, technologists, and administrators share about how they use Echo360 to improve the teaching and learning experience at their respective institutions. Our active learning conference in Chicago this year was no exception with our host institution, the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) presenting one…

21 Ways to Teach with Echo360 – 11) Flip Your Teaching with Screencasts

Using technology to teach

This is the twelfth blog in our how-to series for educators and example 11 out of 21 ways to teach with Echo360. Read the introduction to this series here. Why should I flip my teaching with screencasts? Do you ever find that you are repeating yourself during class in response to students saying, “I didn’t get…

The Future of Video Capture Just Got Smarter: Meet Echo360 Universal Capture

If you haven’t already heard about how Echo360 leapfrogged other video capture solutions with the launch of Echo360 Universal Capture, then you’re in for a treat. Or, maybe you just haven’t had time to check it out. Either way, this short video will show you how one software solution with a simple capture interface, consistent…