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The unprecedented impact of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) has upended lives across the globe. With many colleges and universities switching to online instruction, faculty, staff and students have had to rapidly adjust to a remote learning experience in a short period of time.

Echo360Point offers tools that can assist instructors and support remote learning efforts. Below is a quick reference guide to the capabilities that will be of most use to you right now.

NOTE: Some of our remote features are only available through our web-based platform. If you currently use desktop, but would like to access these features, you can learn more about getting started on the web here.

Engage students in real time

Whether you typically use clickers or mobile devices in the classroom, all of your students can respond to real-time questions by using the Echo360Point app from any location. Here are a few pieces to help you get started.

For instructors:

For students:

Schedule interactive homework assignments

Echo360Point’s web-based platform allows instructors to assign interactive questions to be completed asynchronously outside of class. This could be helpful for getting a snapshot of student comprehension, encouraging students to submit questions about lessons, or conducting a survey to get feedback on how everything is going and what challenges they are facing in an online environment. You can also add videos and more using a range of HTML features.

Visit here for step-by-step instructions on how to create and share a scheduled session.

Take attendance

If your class is meeting remotely, but still in real time, it helps to know which students are present.

Check-in attendance with Echo360Point web is the best bet to fill this need as this allows instructors to take attendance with the click of a button. Go here for instructions on how to use this feature.

If you already run reports on desktop, you can continue to do that as well. Simply follow the instructions for taking attendance in PowerPoint polling or with anywhere polling, and then review the attendance report.

Run reports

As usual, all of your Echo360Point results are available in easy-to-review reports on desktop or web. This can help you to monitor student progress, and quickly spot which students may need additional help in understanding the course concepts (something that can be more difficult to gauge in a remote setting).

Getting started with Echo360Point

During this time of uncertainty, Echo360 Technologies and our support teams remain available to help however necessary. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. If you do not currently use Echo360Point, but are interested in getting started, you can contact our sales team.