By Stephanie Naoum

I’m sure you have all attended a training that left you confused, bored or wondering why we were even there. Do the below statements sound familiar?

  • I was a passive listener.
  • The content did not apply to my daily job.
  • I didn’t understand the language/vocabulary used.

When designing a training program, it must be clear that the content presented is for your employees. They must feel confident answering the question, “What’s in it for me?” Creating a learner-centered atmosphere enhances your learners’ motivation and engagement. The more your learners value the content, the more they will desire to achieve the end goal of your training.

Echo360Point Techniques

  • Ask pre-assessment questions at the beginning of your training to gauge your learners’ base knowledge. You can use the results to decide where to spend in-class training time.
  • Use a Priority Ranking question type to ask your learners what subjects are most important to them. Use the real-time data to adjust your training based on their requests.
  • Utilize individual reports to pinpoint certain learners that may need remedial training.